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You are Your Child's Coach

Hello, I am Luca Dutto, coach, international trainer, graduate in motor and sports sciences, father of Arianna and Vittoria, and above all, specialized in youth training. Together with my team, I help a lot of mums and dads, but also aunts and grandparents, to improve children’s motor and physical development. Parents and grandparents can be the first coaches of their children simply by applying some simple but effective rules/behaviors. You can turn a walk into a workout, a quiet moment at home into a useful mobility game, or even a half-hour at the playground into real training disguised as a game. I collaborate on projects dedicated to child training in many countries around the world:

You will agree with me that times have changed, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to play freely:

These are just some causes that favor an increasingly sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.
Lack of movement, incorrect postures maintained over time, hours and hours on the couch with the smartphone or in front of a TV series….

Let’s take a step back in time…a few years ago…a little more perhaps…when we were children (it depends on how old you are…) we used to play a lot more, in the afternoons we would ring the bells, we would be in the courtyard or the park. We would play for hours, hours and hours until mum would start shouting to go home….and after a few dozen attempts, when the tone of voice became similar to that of an ‘ultras stadium leader’ then you’d go home…. a little sad because phrases like ‘just give it 5 more minutes’…..’but come on we’ve only just started’ …….’but my friend doesn’t have to go yet’ didn’t work.

  • Let us now analyze the situation:
    All this was characterized by a lot of spontaneous physical movement: running, biking, skating, balls of all kinds, rackets…
  • This lasted several hours for six days a week for all weeks of the year (except for a few stomachaches, school trips and summer holidays)
  • The children themselves set the rules, and the younger ones learned from the older ones.

From the motor point of view, this whole situation was a real ‘natural gymnasium’ useful for developing coordination aspects, endurance, imagination, and interpersonal skills.

What now?

Back to the present, having gotten over this whole thing with a bit of nostalgia, let us analyze some typical mistakes we parents make.

1- We enrol our child in any sport (often the one we like) for 1 or 2 hours a week for eight months of the year (subtract some absences due to various ailments or commitments), thinking that it is enough. Make this reflection: if playing used to be daily and several hours, do you think 1 or 2 hours a week would be enough to counteract sedentariness? The answer is NO unless your children’s lifestyle is dynamic and active, and sport is part of a broader context of movement.

2- We want to enroll our child as soon as he starts walking in football, martial arts, dance or any sport…. with the result that he is actually too young and will end up bored and abandon that sport forever

3- We regularly take away every chance to make our children’s lives more active: stop, you’re sweating, a typical expression that WE COACHES NEVER WANT TO HEAR (well, just once in a while…..), bus or car to the school entrance hallway (just because the car doesn’t go through the front door)….at the weekend then the mix becomes unbelievable….CALORIC SURPLUS FROM SWEET FOOD, TV and maybe a walk to the mall or cinema…..Maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but if you look at how many families follow a lifestyle like that….maybe I have a point.

Now Let's Talk About Solutions

Mums, dads, grandparents, and babysitters spend a lot of time with their children and can really do a lot to improve their children’s coordination, endurance, strength, and mobility. It doesn’t mean becoming motor science graduates or hyper-specialized personal trainers, nor does it mean taking the place of trained figures who are fundamental in the development of children, but only learning certain behaviors, proposing specific exercises in the form of games that can be very useful and effective.

10′ a day for 365 days is 3650 minutes or almost 61 hours of activity, which can be defined as training. But did you know that a classic sporting activity of 1 hour a week from October to May, taking away a few absences here and there, develops in the season at best 35 hours of sport?

It’s a matter of ‘habit’ so to speak……

The recipe is therefore:


This is why PARENTS TRAINERS was created, dedicated to all mothers, fathers and grandparents who wish to learn something for the sake of their little ones.

The idea stems from the need to introduce children to sport through a daily playful activity based on the fundamentals of movement that is simple, useful, fun, and engaging.

Mothers and fathers play a crucial role in this age group and can organize activities in the form of play that is incredibly effective for their children and set up spaces in which training merges with play and becomes everyday.

The aim is not to replace instructors but to provide the basis for increasing movement at home or outdoors daily, to be combined with other structured and organized sports.

Sedentariness can be prevented through exercise education that starts at home.

Mum, Dad…. are you ready?

Thanks to our guides and training courses, you can choose which skills you want to acquire in order to learn how to ‘coach‘ or perhaps ‘play’ your guys differently. 

Would you like to talk to an expert instead? You can also try our online consulting service. 

LEARN MORE: book a 30 or 60′ online video call to ask as many questions as you want about lifestyle, sport or physical problems. Fill in the form. It will help us to organize the meeting with the best person for you. (link to consulting page)

My name is Luca Dutto, I am a father of 2 girls, Arianna and Vittoria, and I have a degree in motor sciences. I have been involved in youth training and athletic preparation for more than 20 years, and thanks to my job, I travel the world organizing specific training courses for children and young people.

I have been to Brazil, Mexico, Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Morocco, Dubai, …. and through the experience gained on these trips, I have realized how parents can play an essential role in motor development and active lifestyle promotion of their children.

My mission? To fight youth sedentariness!

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